Every child able to learn

Supporting social and emotional development through a nurturing approach to education.

Championing nurture in education

We help every child become able to learn. In the last year we’ve reached over:


children and young people


 education settings

Who we work with

We support the whole education system, to ensure that every child and young person gets the support they need to have the best possible chance in life.

A school icon
Local Education Authorities, Schools and Trusts
Three people together icon
Violence Reduction Units

Removing the barriers

to learning by

Training practitioners in nurture provision and providing tools and resources

Helping to foster a nurturing culture across the whole school

Influencing educational policy

Campaigning to raise awareness

Latest news and blog posts

5 easy craft ideas for children in nurture groups
These easy craft ideas will not only help to decorate a room in your school, but also allow children and young people to contribute to their nurture group, giving them…
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Government funded Senior Mental Health Lead training
A pioneering programme to support mental health in schools is reaching a conclusion as its Department for Education funding comes to an end. As an accredited provider on the department’s…
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Nurturing Rutland
All primary school aged children in Rutland are set to benefit from nurtureuk training to embed a whole-school approach to nurture.
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Letter to political parties
The next government has a chance to ensure children can truly flourish at school and in life, but it must commit to bold action from the start.
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How visual timelines can support children’s learning
How Visual Timelines Can Support Children’s Learning Visual timelines can support children’s learning because they: are stable over time, are relevant and meaningful to the child, attract and hold attention,…
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Building motivation in children and young people
Building motivation in children and young people Misbehaviour is basically a function of poor motivation, and motivation is a two-way process between the teacher and the student. McLean (2009) describes…
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